• Ad-Hoc Refereeing for Review of Finance, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, Economic Modelling, The Financial Review, International Economic Review, Quantitative Finance, Financial Markets and Portfolio Managament, Economics of Transition, Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures, Managerial Finance, and Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.
  • Program Committee Member, European Finance Association Annual Meeting, August 2007; Financial Management Association, European Conference, 2012.
  • Invited Seminar, at University College Ghent, February 2012; at Central Bank of Republic of Turkey, Ankara, May 2013; at ROME Workshop, Frankfurt, November 2013; at Central Bank of Republic of Turkey-Deutsche Bundesbank High Level Meeting, July 2014; Bilkent University, Ankara, December 2014; Shandong University, June 2015; Aarhus University, September 2015; U.S. Office of Financial Research (OFR), Washigton, D.C., March 2016; ESSEC, November 2016; VU Amsterdam, October 2017; U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Washington, D.C., January 2018; Turkish Bankers Night, Frankfurt, June 2019. 
  • Active Member of the American Finance Association (AFA). 
  • Active Member of the American Economic Association (AEA).
  • Active Member of the German Finance Association (DGF).
  • Active Member of the International Banking, Economics and Finance Association (IBEFA).